首页 > 职场乐活 > 生活资讯 > 瑞籍华裔珠宝首饰艺术家李雨轩艺术珠宝作品多巴胺系列及不完美系列


时间:2017-01-10 10:54 来源:时尚芭莎





The other Art Jewelry Series is named Imperfection,   By breaking the sculpture Venus which is know as perfect  to get then imperfect pieces, to each piece has its own perfect beauty . And the whole production precess is a way to show the thinking about aesthetic.



这组作品的创作过程亦被作者引申为珠宝作品的一部分, 通过对创作方式的解读和延展,引领珠宝作品的观者从更深的层次思考珠宝作品及背后的故事。

The  process of making these jewelries series is also part of the concept of the work . Lead people to change their view  and  think about jewelry in a deepen way  also the story behind jewelry through the way how we make it .





There is’t absolutely perfect and imperfect. Sometimes, a new angle would help us to  understand something beneath the perfect appearance  with the help of some defects or accidents . We can’t see the soul through our eyes, we need  to break the limitation of the body to express and think, then it’s not just simply expressing direct.Art is a precess to break beauty, and self vipassana.




The two jewelry  series  are defined as Art Jewelry instead of commodity cause the creator  want to express an opinion that  art jewelries  are art  works which  are independent from commercial jewelries, concept like this is quite fresh in China. Commercial Jewelries usually depend on the market, the main purpose is  mostly for market service and  gain more profits .Usually it’s  team work , when the design is done by designer, the creative part is finished ,then the workers take charge of the mass productive process , lastly the marketing department  do the sale work. On the contrary, art jewelries are created and handmade by artists to  express art concept, close to the work model with painting artist and sculptor. By the meanwhile the artist works  are done by artist, they are shown  and published through exhibition to contribute to the culture and art instead of caring  about profit.



在北欧,尤其是瑞典,丹麦,英国等地,珠宝艺术家通常都是独立艺术家,其作品通过展览,博物馆收藏,定制等形式推广,普通大众也是他们的主要顾客。西班牙设计师拉蒙·普格·古耶斯(Ramon Puig Cuyas)曾说过,首饰不只是用货架展示的,还是戴在身上的。而当代首饰就是佩戴的艺术, 更多地把首饰看作一样艺术品而不单单是装饰品,首饰应该是一种贴身的生命体验,它可以是兴高采烈也可以是郁郁寡欢。参观者应该换一种角度看待首饰:不再纠结于佩戴在自己身体的哪个部位以及表面上的美丑,注意它们的超乎寻常和独一无二的属性,它们作为手工艺术的精确和坚定,注意它们“精神上的滋养要远远高于装饰本身”。

In Northern Europe ,especially in Sweden ,Denmark and England. Jewelry artist  usually exist as indie artist, their works are published through museum, galleries, and exhibitions, citizens are their customers also. A Spanish designer Ramon Puig Cuyas said: Jewelry  should be shown on human body instead of goods shelf . Modern Jewelry is art about how to put it on our body, it’s more about art than decoration, and  a life experience which could be happy and sad. People may change their opinion about jewelry ,care more about  the unique ,independent and  delicate spirit   instead of paying attention on which part of the body to put it on or if it’s beautiful or not .  As we are told , psychic energy from jewelry  are much more important  than  beautiful decoration .
